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University Basketball in Canada
provided by Martin Timmerman
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Chris Francis from Chateauguay, QC, Guard 6-2 Highschool: Dawson College

Awards received:
Concordia Male Rookie of the Year in 1985-86

Playing career:

SeasonTeamNumEligTeam FinishLeague RecordOverall Record
1985-86 MBB-Concordia241CIAU Regional, QUAA Second Place 11-122-5

Career regular league season statistics

SeasonGPMinsMPG3 PtField GoalsFree ThrowsReboundsPFASTOBLSTPoints
1985-861200.0  77-13158.833-4180.5393.2282724  18715.6

Career playoff game statistics

SeasonGPMinsMPG3 PtField GoalsFree ThrowsReboundsPFASTOBLSTPoints
1985-86300.0  12-2352.24-850.0103.39410  289.3

Overall career statistics

SeasonGPMinsMPG3 PtField GoalsFree ThrowsReboundsPFASTOBLSTPoints
1985-862700.0  138-26552.159-7776.6873.265 61  33512.4

Statistical information maintained by Martin Timmerman. Please provide feedback to: MartinTimmerman@gmail.com